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Ginger Root Extract Benefits for Skin

Ginger root has a long history of medicinal use. Early American colonists brewed ginger beer to relieve nausea and vomiting. Ginger root, known botanically as a rhizome, comes in many forms such as tea, extract or pills. Research on the benefits of ginger for the skin is relatively new. Talk to your doctor before trying ginger extract.

Ginger grows in tropical climates in Jamaica, India, China and the southern United States. Ginger root extract powder has health benefits, and many of its health benefits come from its rhizome, a thick underground stem that stores starch while producing roots and shoots. While ginger rhizomes are not a source of vitamins or fiber, they have antioxidant properties and are thought to have health benefits.

1. Ginger root extract for the treatment of inflammation

Ginger may play a role in reducing acne and skin inflammation. The University of Maryland Medical Center cites a study in which a combination of ginger and other root extracts reduced skin damage. Through laboratory studies, scientist S.C. Penna and colleagues explored the potential benefits of ginger root extract for skin disorders. In a 2004 article published in the journal Phytomedicine, the authors found that ginger root extract reduced skin edema, a type of inflammation.

2. Ginger root extract protects the skin

Ginger is one of many wholesale plant extract with skin care benefits. Laboratory studies at the University of Cleveland have shown that ginger root extract has tumor-preventive potential, and the authors reported in a 1996 report in Cancer Research that topical application of ginger root extract inhibited the development of skin tumors.

3. Ginger root extract for wound healing

Ginger acts as an antiseptic on small cuts or scrapes. Research published in the 2009 edition of Wound Repair and Regeneration highlighted the potential use of ginger root extract in wound healing. Author N. Bhagavatura and colleagues found that rodents pretreated with a topical application of ginger root extract healed faster and produced faster collagen. These results suggest that ginger root extract may be used to improve skin structure and wound repair.

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